Come and visit us at Exposanità, we’ll give you a free ticket*!

For all our users and interested people we offer the opportunity to visit us at the fair.
By registering on the following form you can request a free entry ticket to participate in Exposanità which will be held in Bologna Fiere from 17 to 19 April 2024.

How to get the ticket?

Fill out the form below by entering your name, surname and email address.

Within 3 working days you will receive, via the exposanità account, an email containing a code and a link. Save the code, click on the link and register to validate the ticket online. Once registration is complete, you will receive the ticket via email which will allow you to visit the 3 days of the event.

The ticket is valid for one person. Accompanists of people with disabilities are entitled to free entry which can only be collected after registering at the ticket offices at the fair. Free admission is reserved for a maximum of 2 companions per person. >

We remind you that entry to the fair for children under 18 is free. The parent or companion of the minor must complete the decline of liability form at the ticket offices.

    esplicito al trattamento della categoria di dati di cui al punto 2 dell’informativa privacy policy (categorie particolari di dati personali – dati relativi alla salute).
    Consapevole che il mancato conferimento impedirà l’esecuzione della richiesta.

    Esprimo il consensoNego il consenso esplicito al trattamento di cui al punto 3 dell’informativa privacy policy, di dati personali (trattamento per finalità di marketing diretto)

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    * While availability lasts.